Purposes of this website

  • To reconnect, reacquaint, and network with MAYA Carnales and Carnalas
  • To document and archive information about significant individuals and events related to MAYA and the Chicano Movement in El Paso and beyond
  • To create a historical memory of MAYA to be left for posterity

Record of the Reunion Held August 24, 2024

Weblink to 23.21 minute Youtube video of Reunion events created by Jose Cruz Rodriguez


MAYA Group Picture at Mural Site – August 24, 2024
Jesus Cimi Alvarado’s Completed Mural History of the Chicano Movement in Segundo Barrio
Mural site is 801 S. Florence, back wall of Boys & Girls Club
Video Clip of Reunion Events (Created by Alvaro Maldonado)

August 24, 2024 MAYA Reunion – El Paso Boys Club

MAYA Reunion Session Inside the Boys Club

Assembled members and invited guests listen to speakers while the epic poem “I am Joaquin” plays in the background

Group picture of MAYA members at the conclusion of the inside event

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Document addressing historical faults by MAYA

Presented at Reunion and signed by MAYA members

Excess Reunion Funds Donated to Segundo Barrio Futbol Club

Beginnings and Early Years of MAYA – 1966

MAYA sponsors a summer recreation program in Segundo Barrio tenement courtyard

June 3, 1968
July 1, 1968

A Record of Activism Across Aztlan

MAYA Attended the Historic Chicano Youth Liberation Conference in Denver, March 27 – 31, 1969

MAYA Participated in the Protest in Support of Texas VISTA Program in Del Rio, Tx – March 30, 1969

MAYA Attended the National Chicano Moratorium Against the War in Los Angeles, August 29, 1970

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This Event Took Place On March, 30, 1969 Estimated 3 Thousand Participants From Across Texas, Including a MAYA Contingent
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If You Identify Yourself in this Photo Let Us Know

MAYA’s Struggle for Social, Political, and Economic Justice

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August 9, 1969

  • Jobs for Students
  • Force Resignation of Coordinator of Mayor’s Youth Opportunity Council
  • MAYA: “sick and tired of not having jobs”
  • City officials pressured to create skills training center – the future Job Corps Center

MAYA Leads the Fight Against Spanish Detention At Bowie High School

MAYA Antonio Marin is arrested for “loitering” after Bowie Assistant Principal attempts to grab flyers being distributed outside of the school. Marin counter files charges of “theft of property” against Keyson.

MAYA Gerardo Araujo speaks out against Spanish detention at a packed Bowie student assembly called by school administrators to dissuade students from walking out.

Threatened walkout forces School District Board to disavow punishment of students for speaking Spanish, removes Anglo Principal, and two Assistant Principals from Bowie and replaces them we Chicanos.

Bowie Principal Pollitt forced to explain to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights meeting in San Antonio the school sanctioned punishment of Bowie students for Speaking Spanish on school grounds.

Housing Authority Insensitive To Barrio Needs

El Paso Herald Post December 3, 1969

January 30, 1970

Membership of 300

Male & Female Participation

Priorities are Housing, Jobs, & Education

Support for Tenants’ Union

Demand Creation of 500 Youth Jobs w/out Citizenship Restrictions

Diez y Seis de Septiembre, 1971 Downtown El Paso

MAYA members as March security Sept. 16, 1971

The Fight For Summer Employment – June 30, 1972

EL Paso Plain Clothed Cops Arrest 3 MAYA’s

At City Council Takeover June 30, 1972

– Victor Vega, Daniel Solis, and Larry Gerhart

Gerardo Araujo Asks For Resignation of Ken Flynn, Director of the City’s Youth Services Bureau

July 7, 1972